About RPL

Overview of RPL in NVQS

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an integral part of the National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF). It is a type of assessment that recognizes learning acquired outside the formal education system. RPL is based on the experiential theory of John Dewey which claims that people learn by reflecting on real life experiences such as everyday workplace tasks, home and family activities, and community involvement. According to this theory, a learner learns best by doing because he/she constructs practical knowledge and applies it in daily activities.

Experiential learning happens when a learner consciously thinks about his own experiences and uses these to build upon the knowledge and skills that he already possesses. With RPL, these experiences wherever they were obtained are taken into consideration for the award of qualifications.


Definition of RPL

RPL is a Process. It is the assessment of an individual’s previous learning obtained outside the formal education and training system to meet the standards as defined in the respective National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS). Learning outside the formal system is acquired through:

Non-formal learning: This refers to organized programs with broad learning objectives which may or may not be certificated but do not result to nationally recognized formal qualifications Examples are self-directed, and/or certificated studies such as: seminars, conferences and workshops, short courses, and some distance learning courses.

Informal learning or experiential learning: These are unplanned and unstructured learning without any certifications and qualifications. Sources of experiential learning are:

  • Work experience (full-time, part-time, or casual)
  • Life experiences such as family duties and profession, voluntary and community work, and hobbies or leisure activities
  • Coaching and mentoring activities
  • Private study and research
  • Overseas work experience

RPL is a Result: It is the granting of an award whether full or partial qualification to an individual in recognition of his/her competencies. The awards may either be:

Full Skills Certificate if the candidate is assessed competent in all the major tasks/units as stipulated in the NOSS; and Record of Achievements if the candidate is assessed competent in individual major tasks/units of the NOSS.  To gain a full qualification, he is entitled to appear for reassessment of the remaining tasks as agreed with the RPL Assessor. Before applying for reassessment, he/she may be advised to undertake further experience or further training.