/ Assessor Search
Sn. Id Name Contact Number District Occupation Sector Qualification Technical Qualification
1 2853 Mr. MUN BAHADUR THAPA 9848326015 Humla Livestock up to L-1 Agriculture Livestock up to L-1 TSLC
2 2854 Mr. RAMESH BHANDARI 9848369899; 9741110208 Humla Construction up to L-2 Construction Construction up to L-2 Sub Overseer
3 2855 Mr. JANGA BAHADUR SHAHI 9748903739 Humla Agriculture up to L-2 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-2 TSLC
4 2856 Mr. SANJAY KUMAR NIDHI 9841689111; 9851135098 Humla Food Technology (all) Agriculture Food Technology (all) B.Tech. (food)
5 2857 Mr. SUNAM AIDI 9848523850; 9749010974 Humla Construction up to L-2 Construction Construction up to L-2 Diploma in Civil Engineering
6 2858 Ms. APSHARA SINGH AIDI 9749002456; 9848339035 Humla Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 JTA
7 2859 Mr. RAJ BAHADUR SHAHI 9848318343 Humla Construction up to L-1 Construction Construction up to L-1 TSLC
8 2860 Mr. KESHAB BAHADUR SHAHI 9841981302 Humla Construction up to L-2 Construction Construction up to L-2 Diploma in Civil Engineering
9 2861 Mr. DHARMA RAJ BOHARA 9849160629 Humla Construction up to L-2 Construction Construction up to L-2 Diploma in Civil Engineering
10 2862 Mr. SHIV SHANKAR JHA 9744018209 Humla Forestry up to L-2 Forestry Forestry up to L-2 I.Sc. Forestry
11 2863 Ms. MANJU SHILAKAR 9847634605 Parbat Construction (all) Construction Construction (all) B.E. (Civil)
12 2864 Mr. CHANDRA BAHADUR BUDHA 9845141362 Myagdi Agriculture (all) Agriculture Agriculture (all) B.Sc. Ag.
13 2865 Ms. SARITA GAUCHAN 9849397781 Kathmandu Physiotherapy (all) Health Physiotherapy (all) BPT
14 2866 Ms. SARITA OJHA 9842774567 Jhapa Health up to L-1 Health Health up to L-1 CMA
15 2867 Mr. PRAKASH ACHARYA 9842774566 Mustang Commis/ Computer Operator/ Building Electrician up to L-2 Hospitality Industry Computer/ Electrical Comiees/ Computer Operator/ Building Electrician L-3 Computer Operator L-2/ Building Electrician L-3/ Comiee II L-2
16 2868 Mr. PRASANTA GAUCHAN 9846262907 Mustang Cooking & Baking up to L-1 Hospitality Industry Cooking & Baking up to L-1 Continental Cook L-1
17 2869 Mr. BINOD SUBEDI 9851146719 Mustang Livestock up to L-1 Agriculture Livestock up to L-1 Livestock JTA
18 2870 Mr. RAMJI PRASAD POUDEL 9847620816 Parbat Livestock up to L-2 Agriculture Livestock up to L-2 JT Vet.
19 2871 Mr. KRISHNA PRASAD RINI 9847737302 Parbat Livestock up to L-1 Agriculture Livestock up to L-1 JTA Vet.
20 2872 Mr. HARE RAM PRASAD GUPTA 9842535041 Parbat Agriculture up to L-2 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-2 Intermediate Ag.
21 2873 Ms. LAXMI DEVI PATHAK SAPKOTA 9847625579 Parbat Tailoring up to L-1 Tailoring/Garment Tailoring up to L-1 Level-1
22 2874 Ms. KAVITA PUN 9847645331 Parbat Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Health Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Level-1
23 2875 Ms. KHAGESWARI SHARMA 9847609815 Parbat Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Health Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Level-1
24 2876 Mr. NILESH RAJBHANDARI 9857620151 Baglung Hospitality up to L-2 Hospitality Industry Hospitality up to L-2 Diploma in Hotel Mgmt.
25 2877 Ms. PRERITA GAIRE 9845026996 Baglung Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Health Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Level-1
26 2878 Ms. SARASWATI PANDEY 9847681627 Baglung Tailoring up to L-1 Tailoring/Garment Tailoring up to L-1 Level-1
27 2879 Ms. MITHU TAMANG 9849419405 Kathmandu Tailoring up to L-1 Tailoring/Garment Tailoring up to L-1 Level-2
28 2880 Mr. RAMESH SHARMA 9847782815 Parbat Construction up to L-1 Construction Construction up to L-1 TSLC (Civil)
29 2881 Mr. NIRMAL PAUDEL 9841268949 Parbat Construction (all) Construction Construction (all) B.E. (Civil)
30 2882 Mr. BANARASI PAUDEL 9847631011 Baglung Agriculture up to L-2 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-2 I.Sc. Ag I Year
31 2883 Mr. BED PRASAD SHARMA 9847711558 Parbat Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 SLC (Horticulture)
32 2884 Mr. DILLI RAM REGMI 9847660342 Parbat Construction up to L-1 Construction Construction up to L-1 Civil Sub-Overseer
33 2885 Dr. TARA NATH GAIRE 9841541122 Parbat Livestock (all) Agriculture Livestock (all) B.V.Sc. & A.H.
34 2886 Mr. NARESH BARAL 9845245650 Mustang Hospitality (all) Hospitality Industry Hospitality (all) B.Sc. In Catering & Hotel Administration
35 2887 Mr. CHET NATH POUDEL 9857630666 Parbat Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 SLC (Horticulture)
36 2888 Mr. HIT NATH BHATTA 9846067804 Parbat Forestry up to L-2 Forestry Forestry up to L-2 I.Sc. Forestry
37 2889 Mr. Ujur Bahadur K. C. 9846412802 Syangja JTA Ag./Security agriculture/Others JTA Ag./Security SLC&ST L-II
38 2890 Mr. Yuba Raj Marasini 9846134903 Syangja Livestock up to L-1 Agriculture Livestock up to L-1 TSLC&
39 2891 Mr. Tham Narayan Aryal 9846135019 Security Guard up to L-1 Others Security Guard up to L-1 SLC&
40 2892 Ms. Kopila Ghimire (Pandey) 9846170652 Syangja Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 SLC&ST L-II
41 2893 Ms. Bishnu Upadhyaya Panthi 9846178590 Syangja Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 10 class&ST L-II
42 2894 Mr. Baubu Ram Thapa 9846096150 Security Guard up to L-1 Others Security Guard up to L-1 10 class&
43 2895 Dr. Mahendra Malla 9857061717 Syangja Livestock (all) Agriculture Livestock (all) B. V. Sc.& A. H.&
44 2896 Mr. Gopal Giri 9846052191 Syangja Livestock up to L-1 Agriculture Livestock up to L-1 SLC&
45 2897 Mr. Lal Prasad Pangeni 9846012730 Syangja Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 SLC&ST L-II
46 2898 Mr. Min Bahadur Ranabhat 9856050796 Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 &ST L-II
47 2899 Mr. Shiva Prasad Subedi 9856050332 Syangja Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 10 class&ST L-II
48 2900 Ms. Lisu Gautam 9846049537 Syangja Assistant Beautician up to L-1 Health Assistant Beautician up to L-1 IA&ST L-I
49 2901 Mr. Hum Bahadur Kumal 9846052284 Syangja Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 10 class&ST L-II
50 2902 Mr. Moti Prasad Marasini 9846159030 Syangja Agriculture up to L-1 Agriculture Agriculture up to L-1 IA&ST L-II