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Updated At 12 March, 2024


On 3rd May 2020, the Government of Nepal approved the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The integrated qualifications framework that also integrates National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) has the potential to enable the learners to pursue their education and career through multiple pathways in general education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). In addition to NQF ensuring permeability between these education pathways, it also warrants comparability of qualifications within the country and between the countries and regions.

 Implementation of NQF and NVQF in the country benefits: 

  • An individual for recognition of their qualification, for lifelong learning opportunities through multiple entry and exit options,
  • Businesses and industries as they get qualified and productive human resources who have a better learning attitude and are flexible to work in changing environment and,
  • The country as the human resources of the country will be productive and better employable ultimately to contribute to nation building.

In order to ensure the reform of the TVET landscape based on the approved NQ and NVQ frameworks, the implementation of National Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) in Nepal is imperative. The NVQF serves as a pivotal component of the broader NVQS. This system enables individuals to access higher-level skills in the institutions or participate in the national and international labor markets, thereby enhancing earning prospects. It is anticipated that these measures will contribute to poverty reduction, foster inclusive growth, and consequently bolster the overall economic development of the country.

For Nepal, the NVQS includes all activities that result in the recognition of learning, such as institutional arrangements, quality assurance processes, assessment and awarding processes, etc. The NVQS is a national system of technical vocational qualifications aimed at validating competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of trained, and experienced people that meet the needs of the job market and are nationally recognized in private and public sectors.

The value of a qualifications ‘system’ and qualifications ‘framework’ lie in their potential to contribute to education policy goals such as lifelong learning, recognition of skills, or improving the quality of education and training. Therefore, their design should relate to the goals they are intended to support and to the context in which they will operate.

From a macro perspective, the NVQS will benefit the TVET eco-system mainly in the following four domains:

  • Qualification systems’ development and robust provision of education and training (supply side)
  • Career development, guidance and employment placement, information, and orientation, including occupational mobility (demand side)
  • Regulation, legislation, and institutional arrangements, as well as a definition of responsibilities of stakeholders or bodies
  • Support for quality assurance and the development of standards, for systems of credit accumulation and transfer, and to enhance transferability, comparability, and compatibility of qualifications.

The emphasis placed by the NVQS on lifelong learning (LLL) and its intersection with employment stands as a crucial and pertinent endeavor. The envisioned benefits of instituting an NVQS for LLL encompass several key facets. Firstly, it aims to seamlessly integrate LLL and employment provisions into a cohesive qualifications system, streamlining the process of transferring skills and competencies across various domains. Secondly, it seeks to broaden access by recognizing and accrediting prior learning experiences, both formal and informal, thereby fostering inclusivity and equity within educational pathways. Lastly, the NVQS endeavors to establish common reference points for comparing qualifications, facilitating the development and dissemination of guidance materials that align with widely accepted frameworks, thus promoting clarity and coherence in educational and professional spheres.